Whonix consists of two virtual machines, a gateway and a workstation. The Whonix-Gateway can be installed in a virtual machine to route all traffic through tor from any other virtual machine. The second virtual machine can be any OS. It doesn't necessarily have to be the Whonix-Workstation.

Anonymous operating system Whonix – Hacker 10 – Security Whonix is an anonymous operating system based on Virtual Box, Debian Linux and tor proxy, Whonix consists of two virtual machines, one dedicated to run a tor proxy acting as a gateway and the second one called Whonix-Workstation located in a completely isolated network. Qubes OS - Wikipedia Qubes OS is a security-focused desktop operating system that aims to provide security through isolation. Virtualization is performed by Xen, and user environments can be based on Fedora, Debian, Whonix, and Microsoft Windows, among other operating systems. Anonymous OS list – Hacker 10 – Security Hacker Whonix OS: Debian desktop operating system for advanced anonymity and privacy, Whonix runs inside a virtual machine, this stops malware from spreading into your computer. This operating system routes everything with Tor to hide your computer IP. The default Whonix configuration is enough to keep you anonymous, even if you don’t know much Advanced Privacy and Anonymity Using VMs, VPN’s, Tor – Part 2

Advanced Privacy and Anonymity Using VMs, VPN’s, Tor – Part 2

Change Whonix to Whonix-1 or whatever. Don’t change the settings for Adapter 1. The default (NAT) will have it connect through your host’s VPN service. Then edit the settings for Adapter 1 of the workstation VM, changing Whonix to whatever you just used for Adapter 2 of the gateway VM. Now start the first Whonix gateway, and then the Most secure Linux distros – Linux Hint

Jul 25, 2009

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